Saturday, January 10, 2015

Krua Thai Rama

Thai Rama is another popular Thai dish and the Krua version is pretty unique as in, I only found it in one of our local Thai restaurants. Others usually serve it without the crispy noodles on top. But the moment I had it, I just fell in love and had to make it myself! I'm glad I could re create it so well :)


Peanut sauce: Refer the Chicken Satay recipe for it.

Chicken - 250 gms, boneless, bite size pieces
Chinese egg noodles (thick) - 2 cups, par boiled and deep fried
Red onions - 1/4 cup, thinly sliced
Lettuce - 1 cup, chopped, bite size
Spring onions - for garnish


- Prepare the peanut sauce as described in the "Chicken Satay" recipe, with the difference of consistency. It should be thinner in this case.
- Add the chicken pieces and let the chicken cook .(Add more coconut milk or water if the sauce thickens up too much)
- When done, on a plate, lay all the lettuce at the bottom. Put half the chicken and peanut sauce on top. Follow by half the crispy noodles. Then do the chicken and noodles layer again.
- Finish with onions and spring onions. Server hot.


- Do not wait too long after the dish is prepared, as the noodles and lettuce will go soggy and it will not taste so good.
- Make it a vegetarians delight by substituting Chicken with Tofu or even your favorite veggies!

Healthy twist:

- Do not fry the noodles, just use boiled ones.
- Make it healthier by substituting Chicken with Tofu or even your favorite veggies!

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