Saturday, January 10, 2015

Pesto Pasta with Chicken and Garlic bread

When it comes to Italian food, Pesto sauce and anything prepared with it is one of my most favorite dishes! I have the recipe for Pesto sauce separately. Please use that and you will see how much more amazing this pasta will taste coz you have made it from scratch! You'll also learn how to make your own garlic butter spread. Yumm!!


Pesto sauce - 1 cup
Penne pasta - 2 cups boiled in salted water
Garlic - 2-4 cloves finely chopped
Chicken - boneless, bite sized, cooked and seasoned.
Italian seasoning - 1 tbsp
White bread -  4 slices
Butter - 4tbsp softened.
Grated Parmesan cheese for topping


- Heat 1 tbsp of butter and the chicken and the pesto sauce in it and saute for a minute
- Add the pasta (add some of the water left over from boiling the pasta if its too thick)
- Season with some salt and pepper if required.

For the garlic butter bread:

- Mix 3 tbsp of butter, minced garlic, Italian seasoning and salt/pepper as required and form a paste.
- Spread the above paste on the bread slices and lightly toast it in the oven till the bread is crispy
(In an oven that is pre heated at 350 F for around 5-10 min)
- Sprinkle some grated Parmesan cheese on top if you like it.


- Server the pasta with the garlic bread and the wine of your choice.
- While preparing the spread for the bread, you can also add 1-2 finely chopped green chilies if you like to spice it up.
- You can also mix some white sauce while preparing this dish to make it creamier. (Please check out my Pasta with white sauce recipe)

Healthy twist:

- Skip the cheese topping.
- Substitute butter with olive oil and lessen the quantity.

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