Monday, January 18, 2016

Chocolate Caramel Oreo Pie!!

Hey Guys!! I have great news to share. I have now started my YouTube Channel!! I'm so excited to share this. So now, you will actually see me in action, demonstrating all the recipes for you!! Here is the video:


Please check out my videos. There is a lot of exciting things on my channel. Please subscribe. Enjoy!!


Oreo - 1 pack (16.6 Oz)
Dark Chocolate chips - 12 Oz (roughly 2 cups)
Heavy whipping cream - 1 + 1/4 cup
Brown sugar - 2/3 cup packed
Salted Butter -  1 cup
Coarse kosher salt - 1 t sp


- Depending on the thickness of the crust that you would like, crush all the Oreos (or 3/4th of the packet) either in a blender/food processor or you can put them in a ziplock bag and crush it with a meat tenderizer.
- Melt 1/2 cup butter and pour it on the crushed Oreo and mix well.
- Now take a pie pan (would suggest using the tart pans with the detachable bottoms) and lightly coat it with some butter. Now, press the Oreo mixture on the bottom to form the crust.
- Pop this into the freezer for 15 minutes or so, and meanwhile we will prepare the Caramel sauce!
- For the Caramel sauce, take 1/ cup butter and the Brown sugar in a suace pan and start heating it. Keep stirring continuously till is all melted and combined. Let it boil. Once it starts boiling cook it for a minute, while whisking continuously.
- After a minute turn the stove off and add in a quarter cup of whipping cream and mix well.
- Set the Caramel sauce aside and let it cool for 15 minutes.
-  After 15 minutes, take the Oreo crust out of the freezer and top it with the Caramel Sauce and spread the sauce evenly all across the pie.
- Set this back in the freezer for 30 - 40 minutes. We do not want to freeze this. We just want to set it.
- Now lets make the Chocolate Ganache! Make a double boiler (Take some water in a small pot and place a heat safe glass bowl on top. The glass bowl should fit exactly on the top while covering it entirely) Put all the chocolate chips in the glass bowl and keep stirring till the chocolate melts.
- While the chocolate is melting, put 1 cup of whipping cream in a nostick saucepan and let it simmer on a side burner.
- Once the chocolate is melted, switch off the stove and pour the cream onto it. Mix well till everything is well combined and smooth.
- Now, take the Oreo crust topped with Caramel sauce out of the freezer and top it with the chocolate ganache. Spread it evenly and pop it back in the freezer and let it set for 30 minutes or till the chocolate has cooled and set.
- After the setting, take the pie out, sprinkle it with little of the coarse kosher salt and its ready to be served. You can place it in the fridge till you serve it.


- If you like, you can add some of your favorite nuts (roasted and crushed) in the Caramel or the Chocolate layer to give that extra crunch.

Healthy Twist:

- Observe portion control.

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